Thursday, December 26, 2019

Argument Of An Open Source Visualisation Tool - 8116 Words

Argument Visualisation tools 1. Abstract 2. Introduction Argumentation is the area that studies the relation between a claim and any statement that supports or opposes this claim. Argument visualisation is the way to present the arguments, which make it easy way to analysis and evaluate. There are many tools help to visualise arguments used different type of visualisation, such as, network, tree, and table. Argument graph is import to summarize the complex argument on documents, which make all the argument’s elements and relation clear and explicit. Also it can play role in making decision. The decision can be taken after analysis the graph and find solution for problems. 3. Background 3.1. Network Visualisation: It is type of visualisation which support directed and undirected graph. The graph consists of nodes and lines. 3.1.1. CompendiumLD: is an open source visualisation tool that is usually used for learning purposes [1]. It helps education’s staff to organise their ideas, design learning tutorials, and share relevant materials with students. CompendiumLD has a clear layout as Fig. 1 shows. This tool consists of sets of icons. Users can simply drag and drop the icons and use arrows to link between the icons and describe task’s direction between them. The icons are divide to groups according to their objectives [2]. Some icons are used for learning design while other are used to express conditional issues in the task. For example, if a student passes theShow MoreRelatedThe Decision Of Childhood Vaccination2130 Words   |  9 Pagesslightly hyperbolic comparison between the two groups forcing puts the readers in an uncomfortable position where they are perhaps ‘forced’ to reevaluate what unintended consequences the â€Å"no jab, no pay† policy may induce. Adding c larity to this line of argument, Aly is then logically reminding the audience that the main objective of the policy is to â€Å"get more people immunised†; and so to further dismiss the merit and perceived gains that come with â€Å"exiling]† anti-vaxxers, and establish the idea that â€Å"noRead Moremotivational techniques used by infosys6547 Words   |  27 Pagesquestions with multiple-choice answers, rather than general open-ended questions. Specific questions improve clarity and consistency of understanding among respondents, and a multiple-choice format enables the answers to be converted into scores which can be loaded into a spreadsheet and very easily analysed. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Analysis Of The Book Culture Expansion - 1735 Words

â€Å"Culture is the entire way of life of a group of people, including both material and symbolic elements, that acts as a lens through which one views the world and is passed from one generation to the next.†(Ferris, K.-Stein, J., 2014, page 96) I would summarize this chapter in two words-culture expansion. Let me talk about the chapter and then it may make more sense. I had an idea in my head about how I defined culture; race, dress, rituals and different languages. This chapter has expanded my mind and allowed me to learn about the true meaning of culture. As defined by the textbook, â€Å"culture is the entire way of life of a group of people†(Ferris, K.-Stein, J., 2014, page 77). This chapter discusses symbolic and material cultures, showing†¦show more content†¦The variations are dominant culture, subcultures and countercultures. These are important parts of material and symbolic culture. Material culture is just as it sounds. It is anything material tha t we grasp onto and give a social meaning to. Anything from the clothes in your closet to a special artifact on display in your home. The designer label on a piece of clothing in your closet may say that you follow a certain fashion trend, or the artifact on display in your house may represent a religion, or a deeper meaning or clarity or path you follow. The book gives a wonderful example of material culture through citing about preserving a piece of land and that any buildings of new construction, are to have the same roof style and similar design of the historical Santa Barbara buildings. This happens on a daily basis in many cities around the world. People want to preserve a landmark or building. This is another aspect of material culture. Symbolic culture is nonmaterial and focuses on a belief or idea of a group of people. Symbolic culture plays an important role in ones social life. Unlike material culture, symbolic culture uses different forms of communications, such as, sign s, gestures and languages. Signs are known as symbols. This can be anything from a stop sign or an elevator button to an app button on your phone or a sign for the restrooms. Some signs are easy to distinguish, however, some may require a more in depth search and

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Farthest, Faintest, Solar System Objects Found Beyond Neptune Essay Sample free essay sample

The two essays I chose to read were â€Å"Farthest. Faintest. Solar System Objects Found Beyond Neptune† and â€Å"How to Succeed as an Online Student† . The four types of essay organisation discussed is topic. clip order. infinite order and the enlightening procedure. The characteristic which makes the above mentioned essays expository is it uses facts to inform about the subject with a strong thesis statement. The information is given in fact signifier and non in a colored mode by the author. Space organisation is different from clip organisation because infinite is the particular location of people. topographic points or things in the essay. Time organisation is what separates the topic of the essay in the specific clip line item in which the major events of the essay occurred. The enlightening procedure is fundamentally knows as an essay which tells you how to make something. This is noted in a bit-by-bit procedure. Each of these is really utile in the essay composi ng procedure depending on the specific subject the author is talking approximately. We will write a custom essay sample on Farthest, Faintest, Solar System Objects Found Beyond Neptune Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The author wants to be really careful of which format the essay is written. if written falsely so the thesis statement may non be supported and the context of the significance behind the essay will be wrong. The reader understands the essay subject by the organisation in which the essay is presented. If the reader is talking about a location such as metropolis. a specific state or province so the particular organisation will be used to state about the specific topographic point. If the essay is about the events of 911 so it will be in clip order from what happened from the first plane hitting the towers until the terminal of the twenty-four hours or hebdomad. The enlightening essay is easy understood by the reader if the author is stating you how to make something such as how to cook cornbread. or how to alter the oil in your auto. Depending on the type of essay being written. it is easy to assist the reader understand your subject if the right procedure is being used. In my sentiment. â€Å"How to Succeed as an Online Student† is the most effectual organized essay. It is really good written and the helpful information is decently displayed for me to utilize each item in my college instruction. It is written merely as I am talking with another pupil and they are supplying me advice as I am returning to school. This information is good to assist with the accommodations being an on-line pupil needs to do in their life. However. this essay is the best organized to suit my life style and specific demands at this minute. The essay. â€Å"A Soul every bit Free as the Air: About Lucy Stone† would be better if the infinite organisation is used. The infinite organisation manner would assist by supplying the essay information non in a chorological clip order but assorted information provided about her. The clip organisation is a good manner to state about her from the beginning of her life to the terminal of her life. The spatial essay would be better to read about her and the events which occurred. The chief point would alter from speaking about the number ones that happened to merely a narrative about her and the things she accomplished and events which occurred within her life-time. This would still be a really good essay to read ; merely a different position would be in topographic point for the reader to bask. The enlightening organisation is the best format for my essay subject. I have chosen â€Å"How would you depict grief† as my essay subject. In order to depict heartache you must supply specific inside informations and information sing the individual who is enduring from a loss and their tempers and emotions. Besides. you can supply information on the assortment of deceases which occur and the different type of heartache that accompanies the subsister. The relationship from the subsister and the deceased will besides supply beneficial in order to turn out the assortment of heartache which occurs. The closer the relationship. the harder the heartache will be for that individual. If the subsister is merely an familiarity to the deceased. so the heartache will be less and merely be sadness versus the difficult to cover with heartache and a nothingness in the life of the individual who had a closer relationship. There isn’t merely one type of heartache. There are assorted ty pes and besides a assortment of ways each individual handles it. The information given for the organisation to be effectual for the reader to understand about heartache must be in proper format. It is of import to supply the relationship from the deceased to the sorrowing individual and the manner the individual died. This will besides supply back uping information as to why each person heartache procedure is different. There is no specific lexicon or â€Å"how to† usher on the grieving procedure because there are so many different types of decease and the relationships vary. But there are specific ways on how to depict heartache and specific illustrations to back up this subject. I believe it will be of import to supply a batch of information in order to back up the subject and the facts being provided.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

My Vision Statement for Google Essay Example

My Vision Statement for Google Essay Creating a Compelling Vision Google started out as being Just a very powerful, simple and intuitive search engine. Today, Google seems to have its hands in Just about everything from Maps, Shopping, Finance, You Tube, Email, Mobile Android SO to creating very innovative, cutting edge technology Like a drivels car. Googles customer base is everyone around the world who uses a computer. Goggles core values and why they are Important to them re as follows: 1) We want to work with great people Their success Is only as good as the people they hire 2) Technology innovation is our lifeblood Google is all about technology and the services behind the technology. Without technology, what would they be? 3) Working at Google is fun Of course every employee, not just at Google fundamentally has to enjoy what he or she is doing. If you are not enjoying what you do and hate your Job, your not happy, productivity suffers and at some point you start looking for another Job. Be actively Involved; you are Google When you work for Google, you represent Google so one must present them in a professional, moral and ethical manner. 5) Dont take success for granted Accompany should ever rest on its laurels and think that it will always successful no matter what. There is always someone else out there that is waiting for the opportunity to knock you down. 6) Do the right thing; dont b e evil Being honest, having integrity and always doing the right thing Is crucial for any business. We will write a custom essay sample on My Vision Statement for Google specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on My Vision Statement for Google specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on My Vision Statement for Google specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer At some point, doing the wrong thing will reface Its ugly head and can be catastrophic, Like Enron. 7) Earn customer and user loyalty and respect every day Creating new, Innovative and quality products and services will help keep your fan-base and ensure success in the company 8) Sustainable long-term growth and profitability is key to our success Everyone that works at Google needs to see and treat the company like it is their company. Work smart, efficient and keep company spending reasonable. 9) Google cares about and supports the communities where we work and live Every company should give back, Its doing the right thing for others less fortunate, It makes everyone feel good, makes the world a better place and its good for PR. According to Elaine J. Horn, Business News Daily Contributor A vision statement is a declaration of a companys goals for the midterm or long-term future. Ranging from one line to several paragraphs, a vision statement identifies what the company would like to achieve or accomplish. A good vision statement provides the inspiration for the daily operations of a business and molds Its strategic decisions. The benefit of a vision statement Is to etch In stone the executives own views about the short-term and long-term direction and future of their organization. It guides medieval managerial decision-making and provides direction to form departmental missions, objectives and create strategies. It motivates, inspires and has a purpose-driven message that employees can commit to, and helps the overall company prepare for the future. My vision statement for Google products, services available while discovering untapped areas to help the world access and use information around the globe. Google would communicate the vision through multiple means utilizing written form, audio/visual, speeches, interviews and press releases by the organizations leaders to deliver the message to the stakeholders, employees, vendors and customers. HRS would be responsible for seeking and interviewing potential employees who demonstrate the characteristics Google is looking for in order to carry out that vision. Once hired, the vision would be incorporated in their new employee on-boarding and ongoing training program through written form and audio/visual means.