Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Mrs Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mrs - Research Proposal Example The media brought out the Egyptian revolution to the world and made the world unite in protest. The heroic portrayals of the Egyptian people through the media could be one of the reasons that made people stand up and fight. But there were losses, in terms of life and property. Who accounts for that? In togetherness is makes a very interesting topic to research on the impact of media in bringing about revolution. Purpose of the Research: The main purpose of this research paper should be to thoroughly investigate and find a co relation between the presence of media in everyday life and the surge in people’s revolutions against tyranny and dictatorship across the world. Objective of the Research: The main objectives of the paper can be summarized as follows: The paper should also help realize to what extent the media has been playing a role as a catalyst in instigating people’s thought and need for a revolutionary movement. ... Academics argue that most individual’s life style and thoughts are influenced by what is being portrayed by the media. Thus it become very important to analyze if revolutionary decisions are being taken rationally or is the media responsible for instigating such interest and motives by its portrayal of events. Is it not possible that the media can be selective in what it portrays as eventually it also has to look after its economic viability? (Biagi, 2002) Literature Review: April, 2007 witnessed the worst school shooting in American history when one gunman took 32 other lives beside himself inside Virginia Tech University. Psychologist and member of the society put the cause on over exposure to violent entertainment in the media. Activists and leaders called on the media to control their portrayal of violence in an attempt to protect the minds of young people. At the same time, it is also to be noted that the media portrayals may not affect the behavior of all individuals in the same way (Sparks, 2010). However the presence of media can be seen everywhere around human beings to the extent that it affects us economically socially and culturally. Sometimes the mass media even influences one’s way of talking, eating habits, working, studying and relaxing (Biagi, 2006). The media is then also seen as a source of power and empowerment for the civil society. It brings knowledge that lets people think and decide, provides empowerment to the society by revolutionizing thoughts. The empowerment of women in many societies across the globe is often credited to the efforts of mass media to bring along changes (Klaehn, 2010). It is also supported by Sparks (2010) saying that progress through personal experiences and

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